Vinay Sharma
- Interprete
- Regista
- Effetti visivi
Vinay Sharma è conosciuto come attore e regista. È celebre per aver partecipato a Murder Mystery 2 (2023), JNU (2024) e Ittefaq (2017).
Serie TV
- Kaboobey the Genie
- The Gaffaw from India
- Hodgee
- Jihada-Claus
- Hiding Harold
- Erik Carne-Asada
- Hapu Tyson
- Jihada-Clause
- Mister Raja
- The Gafaw from India
- Stinky the Elf
- Dancing Robot
- Rudolph the Drunken Red-Nose Reindeer
- Dancing Banana
- The Disguised Informant
- The Informant
- Rudolph the Red-Nose Drunken Reindeer
- Captain Ameri-can't
- Kaboobey The Genie
- Kabooby the Genie
- Currey Murrey
- Lippy Louie
- Mister Raja's Neighborhood
- Mr. Raja's Neighborhood
- Ba Ba Kabob
- Eric Carne-Asada
- Mr. Raja
- Vin Weasel
- Captain America-n't
- Captain American't
- Curry Boy
- Little Kid
- Scared eyes looking around
- The Christmas Gremlin
- Torgo
- Bali Bob
- Bayou Barney
- Burnt Observer
- Contestant
- Curry Murrey
- Dancing Robot-Guy
- Din Weasel
- Dumb Kid
- Dumb Teenager
- Dumb-Ass ex-boyfriend
- Eyes looking around
- Fidge Fan
- Fire-Hoop Performer
- Ghost Brotha #2
- Guy getting beat up
- Habibi Dabibi
- Hodgee the Pilgrim
- Indian Drums Player
- Jihada Clause
- Jilted Guest
- Jimmy Jailbait
- Kid picking his nose
- Little Ralphie
- Long Arms Louie
- Lt. Sourkraut Sharma
- Mutilated Victim
- Neil Bollywood
- Nerd being picked on
- Nose Picker #1
- Not-so-Lucky the Dead Leprechaun
- Pandy
- Paranormal Investigator
- Rapper Donald Dump
- Roy Orb-ison
- Rudolph The Red-Nose Drunken Reindeer
- Sheesh-ka-Boob
- Skippy the Pilgrim
- Stinky Pete the Cowboy
- Swami with a Pastrami
- TV Reporter
- Termite Bitch
- Terror of Tiny Town
- The Butler
- The Cowardly Hamster
- The Knock, Knock Bandit
- The Leprechaun
- The Smelly Ghost
- The Victim
- Victim
- Victim going to the restroom
- Virgin Vinnie
- Wrestling Promoter