John Ullyatt
- Interprete
- Macchinisti ed elettricisti
- Suono
John Ullyatt è conosciuto come attore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Mass Effect 2 (2010), Mass Effect 3 (2012) e Dragon Age: Origins (2009).
- Veetor'Nara
- Engineer Kenneth Donnelly
- Donovan Hock - Kasumi: Stolen Memory DLC
- Crewman Hadley
- Grizz
- Natorth
- C-Sec Auctions Advertisement
- Ion Liquidators Advertisement
- Shuttle VI
- Party Guest - Kasumi: Stolen Memory DLC
- Contact - Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC
- Illium Cop - Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC
- Info Drone - Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC
- Patron - Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC
- Shadow Broker Enemies - Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC
- Project Enemies - Arrival DLC(voce)
- Faryn
- Rexel
- Bridge Soldier
- Coronation Guard
- Denerim City Guard
- Assassin Leader
- Loghain Guard Captain
- Ostagar Knight
- Pearl 'Female' Companion
- Loghain Sergeant
- Denerim Patrolman
- Howe Estate Guard
- Ostagar Soldier
- Lake Calenhad Templar
- Hungry Bandit
- Fade Torturer
- Redcliffe Militiaman
- Howe Estate Craftsman
- Highever Guard
- Levi Dryden - Warden's Keep DLC
- Elric Maraigne - Return to Ostagar DLC
- Sketch - Leliana's Song DLC
- Bonny Lem - Leliana's Song DLC
- Brogan Dace - Golems of Amgarrak DLC(voce)