Great possible premise, but they blew it. Its been done better by better and this was a waste of time. Predictably dull. I hated the female lead but she didnt write it. She does nothing but childlike mistakes while the main man does so much to secure her. Its simple things that others mentioned that show how little things add up to a big heave of....who cares. Better luck next time. There's a word for the hatred of'! And I'm a girl! Misandry! THAT'S IT! There's ONLY 1 good guy and even he's totally abused for keeping them alive. It helps to notice that first blood test because 70% of the film is flashback stuff..maybe only by days but still. Ive seen worse AND it was like this. Walking Dead's Chandler Riggs was MY personal highlight. Oh & shows the logo for Tribeca film festival but not ut winning anything. Like me having some Facebbok page showing logos for Miss Universe....
I hate picking on independent films but I guess it had great locations & visuals. It didnt really need to make alot of panicked hoarding citizens slowly going fera scenesl, which is likely why they didnt to even show it.