My word, this stuff is some kind of Batman, Spiderman, etc version of the revolutionary days in Massachusetts. As a Bostonian who knows more than a bit about Sam Adams, John Adams, John Hancock, and even more about Paul Revere, I hardly recognized them, or even many of the events depicted. At first, I thought maybe I was getting senile, but the manure just kept piling higher til I realized that is what much of it is.
Sam Adams was deeply religious and had little (none) of the comedian about him. That is exactly why he doesn't get the recognition he DESERVES among the Founding Fathers. He was boring and RELIGIOUS. This series gets NONE of that right.
What in the universe does General Gage's WIFE have to do with anything? I'll tell you. Absolutely nothing. More completely fictional plot threads to ... what ... make sure some women keep watching and to make sure we understand how evil Gage was? Oh boy.
The Boston Tea Party!!!!! It seems the British soldiers were invited and they stood around and watched!!! LMAO!!! People, listen, most of this stuff in the first 1.5 episodes isn't really true. But still, thanks for watching, and now go learn about the REAL SAM ADAMS.