Watching this movie is to embark on an epic journey of self-discovery, power, and success in the riveting new film, "Zubann." Directed by Mozez Singh, "Zubann" is the epic story of one man's journey as he seeks his purpose and discovers himself through a spiritual awakening with the help of music.
Captivated by the talented performance of newcomer actor, Vicky Kaushal, the audience transcends on a journey of loss, tragedy, and triumph. We find ourselves rooting for the lead character, to find peace, to find happiness, and to continually fight for what he wants. Actor Kaushal debuts a leading performance, dynamically charged and emotionally strong. It's hard not to get lost in Kaushal's innocence.
Hauteoc Traveler is proud to give "Zubann" Five Stars! A film not to be missed; "Zubann" is a powerful and heart-warming picture sure to captive and inspire all to find their passion and ultimately to seek what they are destined for.