I have to say i find movies by The Asylum are kinda amusing and for the budget they use they do OK. They have made some decent zombie movies too, but this was unexpected, not the usual Asylum movie, it worked and seems to be one of their higher rated movies so far.
The Asylum tend to mostly make their own straight to DVD version of the latest potential blockbusters usually with a budget of less than $1,000,000 and normally get their money back within a few months with channels like the Sy-Fy channel buying their stuff and of course the DVD sales.
The movie was reasonably funny, none of their usual cheesy effects, cute characters...thought the guys are dorks, with some references to other zombie movies like the flash back called 28 days earlier and a cat called Romero. ;) The lead actress is good and cute, there is some mild gore, the zombies are not your usual zombies, they are a bit lame at times and there is plenty of young female skin...if you like that sort of thing ;) (Movie starts with 2 full frontal girls and plenty of boobs to follow and more).
Anyway the story is a sorority girl who seems a bit of a nerd, starts dating a zombie....jeez she could do much better, she's hot. ;) but thankfully a zombie apocalypse breaks out and its up to our nerdy girl to save the day when she discovers a cure.
Another movie added to my ever growing list of Zombie movies... 646 titles and counting lol.
BTW nothing wrong with running zombies, if they are recently infected and not too damage then why can't they run? :p