Depending on how much live TPB tv you've seen already (specials, etc.), you should see this, or some of it, just to get a feel for what the live show is like, to add to your love of the TPB phenomenon. is the live stuff as good as the scripted/tight/series stuff? no. are there some amusing things? yes. are parts of it kind of boring/amateur'ish? yep.
but it's fun to see the audience shower our gang w/love when they first appear, and the filmed bookend stuff at the front and back of the special(s) is usually good, as is the case here. but the stage show is really just a chance for fans to come out and see their beloved TPBs in person. it's not gonna be rip-roaring, tight hilarity. it is an oppty to see the boys and get a few laughs
despite what some reviewers mention, i'm sure the audience enjoys themselves, as evidenced by the applause and laughter. some of these earlier specials are actually superior to the borderline-awful later specials, out of the park, etc.
there's no doubt the show is at its best in series form. but experience a little of the other stuff (the movies are generally quite good, as is the xmas special). it is what it is (and the fans usually approve)