This film basically begins with two heavily armed sisters named "Bridgot" (Brandy Renee Brown) and "Nita" (Alma Hill) wandering around after a virus has turned everyone in their immediately vicinity into flesh-eating zombies. Since her sister is older and has served in the military, Nita does whatever Bridgot says and because of that the two of them have managed to stay alive. The scene then shifts to another female survivor by the name of "Diedre" (Clemeen Connolly) who is also heavily armed but unlike Bridgot and Nita prefers to be on her own. This changes, however, when she stumbles upon a small group of men and women who offer some degree of protection but at the same time insist that she conform to their rules-and this goes against her instincts. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that-for a low-budget production-this could have been an okay zombie film in that the director (Kevin Richmond) managed to keep things somewhat interesting by shifting things around by employing numerous flashbacks. Likewise, I thought that the acting was sufficient for the most part as well. The biggest problem, however, was the extremely erratic audio in which it was difficult to hear what was being said at certain times only to have my speakers at full volume the very next minute. Very annoying. In addition to that, some of the action scenes and special effects could have also used some improvement. That being said, while this film certainly had some potential, the flaws were too obvious and for that reason I have rated this film accordingly.