The first and second world wars are demonstrations of how a modern industrial state can commit enormous resources in the waging of war. There was no greater demonstration of this than when the German leadership engaged in World War II. The scale of some of the projects is amazing, the amounts of steel and concrete and human labor, which means lives, that were spent in bringing the projects to their state at the end of the war are difficult to grasp, even when you see them.
Using modern experts to describe the various projects, historical footage, CGI generated action and actors playing the major roles, all are interwoven to explain the project, its' origins, the goals of the German leadership and the end results. Fortunately for the outcome of World War II in Europe, some of the most effective weapons were under resourced, especially the German submarines.
The stories are well told, the specific weapons described are:
*) The Atlantic Wall
*) The German submarine program
*) The V2 rocket program
*) The ME262 jet fighter
*) Fortress Berlin
*) The German super tank program.
Watching these videos will give you insights into the sheer enormity of the projects as well as to the mistakes that the German leadership made that rendered what could have been difference makers. This is especially true of the submarine and jet fighter programs. If both of those projects had been prioritized, the outcome of the way would possibly have been different.