The Many Rivers to Cross series with Dr. Gates was educational, informative, and much needed considering the state of affairs today in America!
It appears to me that many families in the African American community has gone backwards and forgot who they are and were they are from. The documentary reminding us of the struggles that have come before us and it too showed the many hurdles, rules, laws, and other issues we had to overcome to be accepted.
On Saturday, November 23 as the keynote speaker at the WJCT Teacher Training I spoke of the history we learned from our formal and informal teachers. Those informal teachers are our parents, and family and the formal teachers are those in front of the class room. Interesting enough they both assist in our development.
Dr. Gates series and others like it serve as a teaching method for us to discuss American History! Fortunately, films are more exciting than classroom lectures.
Today, we like Dr. Gates continue to work of educating all Americans on the contributions of our forefathers and mothers and how special we are to be called Americans. Granted, we too had the pleasure of co-producing a documentary on the Underground Railroad headed south to Spanish Florida, assisted align St. John's County to the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor and align the National Park Service Underground Railroad Network to Fort Mose.
Fort Mose is the first free black settlement in what is now know as the United States, and we too are working on a documentary on the Story of Fort Mose and Francisco Menendez. This too assist us improve humanity and allows us to explain our roots in the New World and coincide with the Many Rivers to Cross documentary and piggy backs on all the work and films we have produced do date.