I will add the disclaimer that I have always loved Debra Messing. She has a comedic energy that for me, is reminiscent of Lucille Ball and Debbie Reynolds. Cop shows are usually dark and melodramatic, so I find the slightly comedic tone of "Mysteries of Laura" to be refreshing.
The series is certainly not meant to be realistic, which seems to be something critics take issue with. It's also not a screwball comedy like "Brooklyn Nine Nine." Mysteries is somewhere in between a comedy and a serious cop drama. In that way it reminds me of certain comic books.
Debra Messing brings her charming, quirky attitude to this show and I don't think anyone could pull this character off like her. I love Laura and the idea of a "super mom" trying to save the day and keep her family together. It's a great metaphor for single moms trying to provide for their family and have the career they love. With a little ass kicking on the side.