This production values of this series are unbelievably awful. Each episode consists of numerous historical segments narrated by a group of random talking heads, none of whom seem to have any expertise in the subject at hand, they just appear to be reading a script as the segment skips from one talker to the next. And, just as a segment appears to be getting interesting, that segment suddenly ends and a new segment starts. There is never a resolution to any of the segments.
Then we have Danny Trejo as host, tying the segments together, but half the time he's talking into the wrong camera. It's quite annoying to have someone speaking to you and not making eye contact. So offputting and unprofessional. Who is he supposed to be talking to? Did Johnny Carson deliver his monologue glancing to one side, or looking directly into the camera?
To improve the series, each segment needs to have a logical conclusion with the subject matter being resolved. And rather than five or six talking heads (always the same people) narrating each story, assign just one to research the segment subject and narrate the whole thing. Or hire an actual expert on each subject to narrate that segment, because there doesn't seem to be any connection between the talking heads and the segment topic. You may as well have Danny Trejo narrate the entire show... of course all the while looking into the wrong camera.