This film began on March 13, 2023 when director Albert Birney visited a thrift store he frequent often. According to him, the idea was born as follows (quote): "As I walked through the front doors an image of a keyboard suddenly popped into my head. I made my way to the electronic section first, like I always do, and sure enough, there was the very keyboard I had just imagined. I took it as a sign that I must buy this particularly crappy keyboard, made of lightweight plastic, priced at only $9.99. With the keyboard under my arm I headed to the books. For some reason my eye caught a large book of antique furniture sitting high on the shelf. Flipping through the black and white photos I knew what I had to do. I hurried home and began making a film about rooms, where the only rule was each room must have a piece of furniture from the book and a song from the keyboard."