Before every single movie screening for the past 6 or so months, the theaters in Sri Lanka have been playing the trailer for Prasanna Vithanage's "Paradise". And as someone who has visited the cinemas more than 60 or so times this year, I've watched this trailer so many times that I can basically recite it line by line. And I have to be honest, the trailer never really gave me the impression that there was anything remarkable here worth checking out. But I could not watch a trailer 50+ times and then not watch the movie when it releases.
Well, now that it's out, what is my opinion of it? It's a movie that doesn't really say very much (at least not directly), but it has so much conflict going on underneath the lines of dialogue that the movie starts growing on you the more you think about it. I watched this movie last Saturday (29th June 2024), and have had 3 full days to think about it before I'm comfortable with how I feel about this movie. "Paradise" is about a lot of things; political, socio-economical and even spiritual, and is written with a lot of clarity without ever giving away more than it needs to.
Roshan Mathew and Darshana Rajendran star as tourists from India who decide to vacation in Sri Lanka during the height of its 2022 political and economic crisis. They're here on a 'Ramayana' tour (the symbolic significance of which, is underpinned brilliantly throughout), celebrating their 5 year anniversary, and with their local guide, the softspoken Mr. Andrew (played with so much grace by actor Shyam Fernando), travel around parts of Sri Lanka that are said to be significant to the 'Ramayana' mythology. But when the couple are robbed at knifepoint on their very first night, things escalate to a point where it's no longer about the robbery, and more so about the self serving power dynamics of the various people involved.
"Paradise" is very intentional in the way it approaches things. Even if you might not like what's happening, you certainly would feel like there's more to this movie than what you're seeing. There's so much political, spiritual and critical messaging going on underneath, that 10 people watching the movie are bound to walk out with 10 different interpretations of it. It's impressive really, and impressive more so to me because I was not expecting it. The movie is strong in all fronts, especially from its acting caliber (namely actor Mahendra Perera, who plays Sgt. Bandara with such amazing subtlety), to the visual language of the movie, the recurring motifs and even the music. They all add up to create a movie that deserves to be talked about.
It might not be a movie for everyone, and I am quite hesitant to recommend it to all in general, but it's one of those movies that would give you what you want if you are the type of person who wants their movies to be more than just mindless entertainment. It has a lot of depth and substance to it, and if that's something that interests you, do go check it out!