After coming off a House of Cards binge I was hoping Farmed and Dangerous might provide a humorous kick up the binge to sustain my week. Alas, Hulu or Chipotle or someone has decided to share this mildly amusing series on a piecemeal schedule. I'm not sure it has the pull for me to keep checking back for the next chapter. Maybe I'll try to win some food. Netflix seems to have set a new bar for these TV series in releasing the entire season at once. Binge watching seems to be the latest trend to home entertainment. Of course the best way to binge watch is with plenty of nourishment around. For season two I made sure to have plenty of ribs (Not from Freddy's but excellent all the same) along with the usual snacks and beverages. I think Chipotle has missed an excellent marketing opportunity, because truth be known, all I wanted to do after watching F&D part one was go somewhere and get a steak.