At the time of writing this review, there are 3 episodes of The Oldest View. This will be updated as more episodes get added.
First episode:
This is a great starter, doesn't give much away but gives plenty to work with. The cinematography and colour scheme are incredible, with the contrast of the greyer colours and green colours creating lots of questions, which is also hard to pull off, so props to Kane. The rest of the video is simply a panning out of someone making some sort of mask out of cardboard. Leaving us with many questions, and somewhat suspense as to where Kane will lead with this next.
Second Episode:
This one is (in my opinion) a lot more exciting and gives us the biggest hints so far in the series. We're introduced to Wyatt, a vlogger who found something he shouldn't have found. A hole in the ground, but steps that lead down and down and down? The CGI here is impeccable, I literally couldn't tell it was until I read a comment later. He goes down and down the steps where it gets darker and darker, the steps also become more worn and chipped, creating suspense as to what this staircase was used by. He also says how the area should be flooded due to recent raining, yet the steps are bone dry, almost a sign of paranormal activity. He then reaches a door, in which I prepared for a Jumpscare, yet there was none, and instead an empty mall playing music, to where the video ends. The suspense throughout is immaculate and I really vibe with it.
Third Episode:
This is by far the best episode now. The suspense that Kane keeps throughout this is unreal along with the setting itself. The models are creepy and by far one of, if not the best production I have ever seen in a YouTube video. The tensions keeps you on the end of your seat throughout the whole video, especially the monster which appears unable to do things, however changes, almost as if trolling Kane. The storyline is great and each moment kept my heart racing. I felt that this episode was perfectly crafted as well as an unreal plot twist, which moved my rating up from a 9 to a 10. He's by far one of the best upcoming directors of this generation and I can't wait to see what else he has in store.
(Edit:) I've noticed a negative review stating that Kane paid me to put this review up?? This is completely untrue, and I just highly enjoy the series and been interested in Kane's work for a long time. I doubt Kane even knows I exist. I also wouldn't take any advice from them considering they have 2 reviews and both being negative. Also, this isn't meant to be a high production value film, it's meant to be a single person project which he makes off of donations. Anyway yeah that's my edit of this review. (I hope Kane makes a part 4!!!)