No pun intended - obviously this has nothing to do with left or right here. This is more a mental and/or physical state that is called into question. And we do know that if someone has been to war ... they carry that with them. Deep inside them even - buried in a sense. Is it good to keep it in or should they just ... spill it? There is a lot to digest ... and you'll understand better once you've watched.
Very well played and beautifully shot - with some fine dialog and suspension that will keep you at the edge of your seat. Family dinner has never been so tense - and you always have someone who just can't be quiet ... as in read the room ... chill and let people be. That said, the short movie handles this very well. And has really good effects too - and the reveals keep coming ... because we have to know what is going on ... actually there may be more coming ... at least it feels like this is a prologue to something bigger ... literally too!