A fantastic documentary deconstructing the fictional "Michelle Remembers" fabrication, which formally operated like a veritable contemporary Malleus Maleficarum, with the same basic medieval witch-hunt mentality since The Inquisition & witch accusations placed in modern society, which is even perpetuated by primitive xians to this day with current common parlance.
Much of the SRA hysteria took inspiration from Horror movies of the 60's & 70's, then pretenders created such facsimiles for themselves for the 80's & 90's. Protestant Churches funded such hack psychology to profit from the paranoia, creating a cottage industry of professional victims ill-gaining attention while quacks received ill-gained spoils. Mentally corrupting the impressionable and besmirching reputations of the accused.
A very telling dynamic is the fact that actual victims become retraumatized by repetitive relations, refraining from uncharacteristically volunteering themselves to public media scrutiny, preserving alleged experiences between doctor and patient.
This documentary introduces the scenario dealing with the albeit unprofessional relationship of the authors themselves. Pathological liar & sociopath "Michelle Smith" provided the victim role, allowing Pazder to fill in the blanks. Feeling envious, she pursued a relationship with the married Pazder, essentially becoming his mistress until she could fill that role herself. Whether brainwashed and/or a willing receptor of suggestions, memorized the sordid tales, automatically launching into a veritable script when needed for interviews and such.
Thus becoming a veritable template for christian psycho-the-rapists thereafter to subject their unfortunate patients and alleged perpetrators. At which point they decided to take the lucrative show on the road, on various talkshows with carnival atmospheres and gameshow-like styles, thus infecting society with lies, jumpstarting the fear trend, with likened posers.
The blame game included Heavy Metal, board games, horror movies and books, toys and cartoons! All of which are, unless otherwise specifically noted by the artists themselves, acknowledged entertainment for those intelligent enough to appreciate and differentiate. Of course, zealotry was then exploited in turn to generate notoriety and monetary accumulation! Censorship labels becoming beacons for some of the beast possessions!
The question should be posited, but who treats the doctors? A system of checks & balances has been enforced since the last panic, otherwise it would continue to be the virtual inmates running the asylum!
Featuring interviews with
* Author & Magistra Blanche Barton offers personal observations and experiences with the social hysteria, as well as relating LaVey's observations. The Black Pope successfully sued Pazder to omit references to The Church of Satan from the book, which had nothing at all to do with the lurid fiction therein.
* FBI Agent Ken Lanning, who provided the definitive report on the Satanic Panic hoax. {Recommended}
* Sociologist Jeffrey S. Victor, author of Satanic Panic: The Creation of A Contemporary Legend. {Recommended}
* Pazder's former wife, associates and friends. All of whom relate the marked change in Pazder's personality upon associating with Smith.
As an aside, the highly recommended book by the same name by Arthur Lyons, contains factual information, interviews, photography, philosophy, and rituals actually about and by LaVey and The Church of Satan.