After hearing about this movie from a Rock Bottom Creek flyer I decided to give this one a chance and drove 45 minutes to make it to one of their screenings. That said I was very impressed. For an indie horror flick the story was actually good, the acting was convincing, and the action never stopped! The directors did a freaking amazing job with what they had and with a bigger budget they could easily turned this into a movie worthy of Hollywood.
The sheriff is probably the most memorable character. This guy was so believable as a power drunk a-hole I legitimately hated him in a way that made me forget that this was just a movie. I saw him in the lobby after the screening and he was actually a nice guy.
As a b-movie this crew was innovative and did not really rely on the regular staples of a b movie like sex or wanton gore but the death scenes were intense and there were moments I laughed out loud and others were I was either held in suspense or left feeling uncomfortable. There was a kill scene that made my jaw drop and one scene in particular that made me want to hurl because it was gross. I have seen a swirly but never like this! Overall I would definitely give this movie a thumbs up. The only negative comments would be that there was a scene were the screen was dark for too long and you could only hear someone getting killed and the music was really loud at times.