The Colors Within tells the story of Totsuko Higurashi(Sayu Suzukawa), a young girl who sees colors in anyone's heart, whenever she meets them. She starts a band with her friends namely, Kimi Sakunaga(Akari Takaishi) & Rui Kagehira(Taisei Kido).
The Colors Within is a great film. Director Naoko Yamada has given us a movie that is charming, quite funny & will make you tear up during its last scene. However, it's not as flawless as Look Back(2024) or The Boy and the Heron(2023), two other anime films that I watched recently. The animation is breathtakingly gorgeous & is the highlight of the film. The songs are foot-tapping. The vocal performances are spot on. Sayu Suzukawa is spectacular as Totsuko Higurashi. Akari Takaishi is mind-blowing as Kimi Sakunaga. Taisei Kido is awesome as Rui Kagehira. The supporting cast is brilliant. The Colors Within is a must watch for anime fans. Watch it on the big screen, for a more memorable experience.