I just rewatched the opening ceremony 10 years later in 3D (a TV capture from BBC back when they still broadcast in 3D) and it was even better than I remembered, and also better in 3D. A beautiful colorful production full of surprises and happy emotion, it just put a smile on my face. It also made me nostalgic for a few reasons. First is the sad demise of 3D broadcasting. Even in the era of UHD 4K HDR, the 3D broadcast from ten years ago looks absolutely fantastic on the right screen. Second is that in hindsight 2012 feels like the happy pinnacle of modern times. No hint of Brexit, or bitter partisan politics, or populist leaders, or fake news and misinformation, or Covid, or war in Ukraine. Just looking at the opening ceremony makes me want to teleport back in time into that happy place, where everybody and every nation celebrates together as one. Since there's no actual way to do it, rewatching the London Olympic games opening ceremony in 3D is probably the next best thing.