So, actually it's a 6/10 but I always add an extra point for the horror haters who bomb pretty much all horror films on these sites.
To the film itself, sure it's typical low budget slasher fare, Good revenge setup, a bit mysterious in the villain, I thought almost to the end it was one person and turned out to be different character. The with the final end kill, well how was that? So left with a mystery. Satisfying. Acting from most was alright, a few were a bit flubby but of no significant level to bother me. Most of the kills were pretty good. A couple even got So the execution was pretty well done for a very low budget film.
I found the dialog, especially the cat fight between Sarah and Ryan at the ticket booth made me howl out loud, very funny smackdowns from both sides. It was in the end exactly what I thought it would be, and I enjoyed it for exactly what it was. Nice popcorn slasher cheese. Fun and entertaining in various ways. I do feel sorry for those who've lost the ability to have that thing...called fun. I bought the Blu-ray and don't regret it, enjoy having it in my collection.