"Chaos Walking" is an Adventure - Fantasy movie in which we watch a young man helping a mysterious young girl who crashed on his planet. There all the thoughts of men are called 'Noise' because they are presented above their heads and can be heard from everyone.
I found this movie very interesting because it had a very different and new plot, something that I had not watched before. The interpretations of both Tom Holland who played as Todd and Daisy Ridley who played as Viola were very good and the combination of both worked very well. The direction which was made by Doug Liman, it was very good and he did an excellent job on how he presented both his main characters and the plot, something that made more clear a lot of things that could confuse the audience. To sum up, I have to say that "Chaos Walking" is an interesting movie and I advise you not to hear the critics and just watch it because I am sure you will enjoy it.