Ace Combat Assault Horizon is the first Of the series to shy away from it's fictional setting and into the real world. The first time you play it, you are sucked in by it's sexy visuals and epic soundtrack. Take away those elements from this game and you have a mediocre plot that can be predicted to the very end.
The missions are long and can become dull. Especially the chopper missions. But the Dog fighting mode is suppose to make the fighting intense. The Dog fighting mode is very attractive, but it only distracts you from the truth that the plot is weak (Much like a Michael Bay film). The voice acting is weak, Especially the main character, who has almost little to no emotions. He does not compare to , Mobius 1, Blaze, or The Demond Lord on any level when it comes to your impact on the war. They were legends, people feared them and marveled at their ability to change the tide of battle. You are not as feared as The demon Lord,or The demons of Razgriz, Therefore you are not given the respect as an unstoppable force as you were in previous games The key elements that made Ace Combat special are not in this game: A great story line, great characters,and the boss fights. Assault Horizon was supposed to be a step in a new direction. New doesn't always mean better. Hopefully they will take a step back, and go back to the fictional land we all fell in love with. Osean 4 life