First of all, do not read any reviews on multiple Indian sites such as rediff and dna. I have a strong reason for the same. Raja Sen of Rediff, claims "The Chaser" to be a little obscure film, he didn't care to look for. Mayank Tiwari claims Korean cinema to be exploitative in nature. So, U can see how the reviewers in India have become slaves to mushy gay flicks belonging to Karan Johar's Gang. Moving on, this is a good rip-off. Mohit Suri earlier ripped off A Bittersweet Life in Awarapan, and now this. He's a good craftsman,and that shows. The film is racy enough, and the villain, albeit too theatrical, but still tends to be creepy. If u've never seen the chaser, this will prove to be a good thriller for u. If u have, U will see flaws. It's not as gritty as the original, but it's somewhat close. There are a few sex scenes, but I hope by now cinema-goers are used to it. Nothing too offensive, trust me. Jacqueline is OK, a better actress might have done wonders. Emraan, like always, is quite fierce, but just falls short. The script is to be blamed for that. Prashant is a brilliant actor and deserves better roles, this is not one of them, but still a good showcase of his skills. I just hope that they did an Indian version of it, not just copy it. Rajkumar Gupta did wonders with Cavite's script (Aamir, anyone)...