First, let me say this: If you are a hard core prepper, survivalist, etc..., you are going to see some "flaws" in the story line or the way people may do things. This is no different than when a cop watches a "cop movie" or a doctor watches some medical miracle on TV. For the rest of the world who aren't "specialist" in the field, it's just good FICTION, put together by good people, who worked hard to bring it to you without a Hollywood budget to work with.
Now, on to the film. This film is about what MIGHT happen and how a group of people MIGHT handle the situation. Some of the acting could use a little polishing, but the overall story is very good. While this is a work of fiction and the trigger is a "rare astronomical event", I believe that the response of the people involved is a fair representation of how things could go should any major catastrophe befall the general population.
This film is a good "eye opener" to anyone who thinks that they don't need to worry about preparing for emergencies or think that there will always be someone (the govt.) there to take care of them. Just consider all of the troubles at home and around the world today and you could easily replace "rare astronomical event" with "collapse of the economy", "government confiscation of firearms", or what almost happened recently in Russia "meteor strikes heavily populated city, explodes with a force 300 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb, killing thousands, injuring millions, and destroying billions in infrastructure."
No matter what the trigger, this movie will make you think about some of the realities of life, but it's not doom & gloom. There's plenty of drama with family, friends, & neighbors, as well as lots of action.
LIKE this movie, let all of your friends know about it, and help support it so that you can see it in a theater near you soon.