This drama documentary is a briskly paced retelling about John and Anne Darwin.
The couple became notorious when John Darwin walked into a police station claiming he had amnesia.
He had been declared dead after going missing when he went canoeing in the north sea some years earlier.
It was a scam to obtain life insurance as the Darwin had money troubles. It was John who came up with the scheme to declare himself dead.
The plan unravel when the couple went to Panama to start a new life.
The drama portrays John Darwin as a schemer. Someone who always had ideas above his station but it always went wrong. Anne just reluctantly went along with it.
The judge highlighted Anne as a liar during the court hearing. Someone who could not be entirely trusted.
There was more to the changes in the Panama visa laws that led to John Darwin to return home. Maybe he thought Anne would double cross him or maybe he had started a relationship with another woman and wanted to abandon his wife.
It would had been better if the drama explored such noirish avenues. Unfortunately it was too low budget and ended up being a plain rehash.