I quite enjoy watching really bad B movies. Some are very good in a very bad way but most of all they are very funny because they are not intended to be.
If you consider Ed Woods B movies from the 50's which were truly awful but today are kind of classic for their awfulness they really are in a different league of B movie to this. Ed Wood was a little bit nutty and totally believed in what he was doing, that's what made his movies great. Anyway, in today's world it really amazes me anyone would put up the money for this utter drivel. The makers have tried to make a serious suspense movie but have failed on ever level imaginable including those you cant imagine. I couldn't watch it all. Cliché after cliché and just so utterly predictable. Highly irritating within about 3 nano seconds. If the plane had crashed and everyone died within the first five minutes of the film and then it just went on to show pictures of fake log fire for the next hour and a half I would have been satisfied. At least then there would have been a point, insulting, but a point never the less.
Please, if your going to make a B movie make it truly awful. Have the scenery falling down, when actors fluff their words, just carry on. Have the decency to respect the genre.