Bullying, asenine behavior, kids with no supervision, or guidence in their life acting like morons and engaging things they are not anywhere near ready for. It shows the sad state of affairs for a of youth culture. The most striking thing is perhaps the absence of any adults. And it's not these kids fault they are like this. Whoever is responsible for them has not done their job and I suspect this movie is all tok real even though it's compacted a lot of this in an unrealistic small bubble. Social media and technology aren't helping kids like this, it's purely detrimental. It's kinda hard to get through this thing because it's very boring and annoying and lacks direction, but I think that's probably on purpose to show the chaos of the teens life. Either way, it's a depressing image of a generation without much hope that is exposed to and live through a lot of things that kids just shouldn't be and are mostly without respect, values or a future. Just sad.