I actually liked Che's laid back tone in this one compared to Matters. It's not gonna be a good match for those looking for more energy... But I liked it.
Che is a pretty easy person to listen to, as a result, I got a little fooled the first time around. Rewatching it, it's clear to me he had about 25-35 minutes of true material, (things he wanted to say and original bit ideas he had)
And in fairness, that stuff's pretty strong.
I would recommend watching 44:30 to the end, the first joke's not gonna be for everyone, but it transitions well into the topic he wants to talk about, and he meshes comedy with commentary (and his trademark hint of almost child like silliness) very well. There's a glimpse of the kind of top-tier comic Che could be one day.
But there's just too much times on apologizing/qualifying jokes, or doing played out bits on overdone topics he clearly wrote in less then an hour, and "sorry not sorry'ing" past events. I get being more introspective comes with the type of tone he has for the special, but it's still too much, even before accounting the how it clashes with the silliness he likes to maintain thru-out.
Che's a talented guy, I imagine it's hard to have 60 minutes of gold material when you're writing on a weekly comedy show year round. But hopefully this is his lesson to make sure the show is ready when it's time to film.