To watch this movie and enjoy it one must suspend all judgment.
It doesn't pretend to show us scenes of everyday living, or the girl next door shopping at the supermarket.
It deals with the same magic world that García Márquez deals with in his exotic novels. Marvellously created world. As thrilling as any Fellini movie. The circus world is the perfect setting for developing this view, between fantasy, nightmares and awful reality.
The pacing is relentless, a thousand things happening during the 120 minutes or so, all of them linked within the main story and showing a whole range of human emotions among the three main characters: The Smiling Clown, The Sad Clown (his sidekick) and the beautiful trapeze girl, the object of jealousy, fury, rancor between the two clowns.
Every scene is visually baroque in essence, since action takes place in the foreground but also in the background, with secondary characters.
There is a full color palette, dazzling as an old kaleidoscope making all sorts of beautiful patterns that change in front of our eyes delighting us continuously.
The acting is superb, from the principal actors to the last extra. The delivery of the lines in Spanish is done at full speed, clean as a whistle and sharp as a cracking whip by all the actors.
The digital effects perfect. Top entertainment from beginning to end. What a SEN-SA-TION-AL movie!!!