With all of the thousands of actors over the years, it's difficult to get interviews and comments from everyone who is involved. It was quite the coup to get Leonard Nimoy to talk. But Why they didn't interview William Shatner, who is still alive, is beyond me. Maybe he wouldn't do it? Gates McFadden was a good choice as a narrator - I've always liked her character and her as a person. Not interviewing Avery Brooks was kind of odd because Deep Space 9 was such a different groundbreaking part of the Star Trek universe. However, one character is conspicuously absent from any mentions, and you only catch a glimpse of her face once or twice. And that is Gene Roddenberry's one time Wife: Majel Barrett , WHY? She was nurse Chapel in the original Star Trek, and Counselor, Troy's mother in Star Trek next generation. And the fact that she was the voice of the computer in many of the series, and a few movies gives her more exposure than anyone, other than perhaps, Michael Dorn . Jealousy because she was once the wife of the creator? I guess we'll never know. Otherwise, even with that slight, it was enjoyable to see. Reviewed by a true Trekker.