"Yara" is a Drama - Thriller movie in which we follow the true story of a mysterious missing 13-year-old. This case was investigated by a prosecutor who did not lose her faith and tried very hard to solve the mystery behind it.
I liked this movie very much because it was based on a real case, it had an interesting plot that contained plenty of suspense and mystery, something that made it even more interesting. The direction which was made by Marco Tullio Giordana was very good and he did an excellent job on the way he presented the plot behind the missing person along with the key characters of the movie. The interpretations of Isabella Ragonese who played as Letizia Ruggeri, Thomas Trabacchi who played as Maresciallo Garro and Miro Landoni who played as Cancelliere Edoardo Carlini were very good. In conclusion, I have to say that "Yara" is an interesting thriller movie and I recommend you to watch it because I am sure that will leave you speechless.