No doubt Hanu Man so far the best Indian superhero film ever created. This is what we call direction. All credit belongs to movie director Prasanth Varma. His vision, narrative, and direction elevated the film to the next level. With just a 30 crore budget, he developed this type of masterpiece; think if he had a larger budget, he could definitely make bigger films. Each scene gives you goosebumps 🔥🔥. Suspense, thriller, comedy, action, and whatever else we desire in a movie, we can find it. The background music elevated the film to a new level. Just watch it in a nice theatre, and you will absolutely love it. Our country has numerous stories (itihasa) to tell, but no one is able to create decent films based on our cultural heritage. However, this film demonstrated that it is possible to make wonderful films with our itihasa. #HanuMan #goosebumps. There are no words to compliment this film. Just watch it...💥.