"Curious and Unusual Deaths" is a creepy Canadian television series that is currently streaming on Netflix. Not surprisingly, it's not a show for the squeamish, as it's all about death. However, in a morbid way it is fascinating and very watchable. Each episode consists of several deaths being described and re-enacted along with experts discussing the unusual deaths. The deaths in each show all have some sort of similarity (such as those about sports in the first episode and do it yourself projects in the third in season two).
While I enjoyed the show, the quality of the research seemed iffy at times. Without even trying to find mistakes, I quickly noticed two. In episode 1, the narrator talked about a guy trying to catch kingfish and walleye in the Gulf of Mexico. Well, I live along the Gulf and would LOVE to catch a walleye...but can't because they are freshwater fish and are found no where near the Gulf. Also, episode 3 talks about a strange death in New Carrollton, Maryland---a town I lived near for over 20 years. Yet, oddly, they mispronounced the name at one point and no one seemed to catch it. These things certainly did not ruin the show, but made me wonder why the mistakes weren't caught by someone associated with the show.
UPDATE: Since my review, I've seen some more episodes. The fifth one of season two is problematic, as the murder of Rasputin is clearly overstated and filled with myth. Sloppy. And, in the next episode, they repeated a myth about British pilots and carrots. REALLY sloppy!