This would have been possibly impressive if it was fan made. A bunch of people, getting together and deciding to do yet another sequel/stand alone movie of the legendary series with what they could afford.
But it wasn't the case, the ones involved in the making of this production are important people and I would have expected more. The beginning of the movie is rather hard to swallow, as the graphic switches from color to color, to a lot of flashes and the close ups on the characters reveal the weak graphics used. Some may praise it I guess, I for one was seriously irritated by it.
The plot is not bad, of course, as common as possibly, I do believe that the series gave away its last coup of milk, I was actually kept there, in front of the screen but when it all ended, I felt more frustrated than anything. I won't recommend it unless you are a die fan of the series. I don't know what they wanted to prove. Yet again.