A "Bad Movie" review podcast. The earliest episodes were hilarious. (Timothy Greene, When Justin met Kelly...) but the show is so shrill now. Frequent guest Jessica St. Clair's has an atrocious voice, and tries to talk over the other 3 hosts, who are all talking over each other. Shouty Erin Gibson (guest) is obnoxious and juvenile.
June is an unrelenting, joyless drag. She thinks her role is to bring things to a halt, and approve or disapprove of the actions taken by characters in the movies. There she goes... off on a self-righteous tear, to slowly tease out the plot, or to teach us all morals. Humor: zero. No one cares, June.
She's a shallow, antiquated reverse-sexist. She's very content with pre-feminist constraints for men. If I hear one more time that she doesn't approve of men drinking tea... men's asses... men doing the splits... men not escalating a fight (to protect her).... Tired garbage. I still listen, but I turn it off when June begins describing everything as 'upsetting' and 'disturbing.' Lighten up June.
Paul Scheer is a little strained and desperate, and you think he's not the funny one; and then he gets 2 or 3 perfect hilarious jokes with amazing delivery, per episode. I want more of, that Paul. One thinks wife June has made him question every instinct he has ever felt.
They should dump the Second Opinions segment; which hasn't been funny in, like, two years, and the live-sung intros are always a needy, untalented person with a brittle voice, fishing for compliments.
Why have they still not mocked 'Home Fries?'