Needless to say that I had never heard about this 2020 movie titled "Queen: The Awakening" and given the movie's cover I thought that it would most likely be a movie from Maverick Entertainment. Yeah, I've watched sufficiently questionable movies to be able to tell their movies by the cover alone, by now. Lo and behold, "Queen: The Awakening" was indeed a movie from Maverick Entertainment.
Given the movie's low rating here on IMDb and the general quality of movies from Maverick Entertainment, I have to admit that I wasn't harboring the biggest of expectations to "Queen: The Awakening". But still, with it being a horror movie that I had never seen, of course I opted to give the movie a fair chance. And in all fairness, Maverick Entertainment does occasionally release a movie that is actually watchable.
Writers Shannon Parker and Rodney Williams didn't exactly put together an overly interesting storyline. The narrative was so sluggish and slow paced that it ultimately killed the movie. Trust me when I say that this movie is a struggle to sit through 95 minutes of slow paced non-thrilling storytelling and ridiculous music.
The acting performances weren't exactly stellar performances, but at least it was a step up from many of the other movies from Maverick Entertainment. Of course I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list.
Let me get this straight, there was a vampire in the movie with silvered grills on the teeth and dangling a Christian cross as an earring from one ear. Yeah, that doesn't really function with traditional vampire lore. That was just stupid writing.
The special effects in the movie were amateurish, but at least they tried.
I have to admit that I tossed the towel in the ring and gave up on "Queen: The Awakening" after a mere 35 minutes of brutal, pointless and dull storytelling. And believe me when I say that I am not returning to attempt finish watching this movie.
My rating of director Trevor G. Ford's 2020 movie "Queen: The Awakening" lands on a two out of ten stars.