The story revolves around a doctor(Saiju Kurup) who tries to save his wife from a past boyfriend who is threatening her with old photos in compromising positions. Saiju Kurup tried his best in this movie. The plot is a good one. The good plot is ruined by the unnatural dialogue and dramatic music. The characters seem to talk in written language. It is very distracting and makes the audience lose focus. Many of the scenes are dumbed down, probably because it underestimates the audience. The police officers explaining every single thing to each other is kind of unnecessary as it makes the viewer think that they are learning to be an investigator from the movie. There are so many unwanted scenes and moments that just feel like its just to pad the runtime. But the main thing that bothered me is the 'Samuel Group' namedrops. What is it? Is it a group of people named Samuel saying "Hi, I am Samuel"?!. Another thing that bothered me is a part of the first act. A doctor-patient relationship turned into husband and wife. That too from a suicide attempt. When you think about it, very weird. But overall, could've been better.