This movie was supposed to be a teen comedy? Ehm, it never got anywhere near being a teen comedy. It was much more like watching a creature with its final death gurgles! It was unbearable.
The story was lacking contents. It seemed like someone had an idea during a drinking party, and that idea somehow made it to a movie.
Throughout the entire movie, I laughed maybe once. And that was at the vomiting scene. That, however, was priceless though. The rest of the movie was attempting to be funny, but never got its head above the waves.
Out of the entire cast, only Susan Ward (playing aunt Carla) was the only one doing a good job. The teens had no emotions and lacked the ability to come through on the screen. The guy who played Dinger (Peter Dante), wow... that was unbelievably unbearable to watch! And how they managed to get Pamela Anderson into this movie is beyond me. But just take a look at her "acting", she seems like she doesn't really want to it as well.
And what was up with the fake Swedish accent? People from Sweden do not sound like drunken German people in a bad World War II movie. I am from Denmark, and I know what Swedish people sound like when speaking English - and this is not it at all!
This movie is wrongfully labeled 'comedy'.
You might like it if you are into surfing and enjoy mindless movies.
I just read on IMDb that there is a part 2 on the way. That fact is simply beyond my comprehension! My advise to you is to stay well clear of this movie! It is a waste of time, and trust me, you don't want to let an hour and a half go to waste on this. Sadly, I did, and I am scarred for life.