I wanna bitchslap each and every one of the adults involved in this. Treating children like this is cruel and literally abusive. I don't even care if 99% of it is staged, it is still absolutely wrong. These people are using their kids for their own agenda. You're all disgusting. The only good thing that could come out of this is the fact that therapists all around the states are gonna get rich. Assuming of course that these "people" have the decency to consult with one.It's at least a pity to see that the US, a vast continent with endless resources, talent, bright new ideas and the means to produce material that can easily have a global reach, is wasting it's time on traumatizing countless children. Including everyone participating in that ghastly show and each person who watched this. This is simply poison which helps in the creation of a superficial and problematic generation. And to anyone out there who can actually enjoy watching more than 5 minutes of these, you all need to see a psychiatrist.