This dramatic comedy effectively rounds out a story about the "return to payment" where the reconfiguration of family ties after coming out of the closet is combined with the theme of the prodigal son, professional vocation, future work, reunions and pacts and family management, forming a dynamic that does not necessarily have to do only with inbreeding village environments.
Manuel (Facundo Gambandé) is an architecture student. The film begins with him saying goodbye to his partner who is going to live in Europe. He then undertakes a trip to his hometown (Villa Mercedes, San Luis) to visit his parents, who are going to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary, and request money to travel and meet with his partner. He had not seen them since he had come out of the closet at a family dinner, which led to an argument and his departure from town on bad terms with his parents.
One of the interesting aspects of the film by Nicolás Teté (also the author of the script) is that, precisely, it does not address the moment of coming out but rather the later; he describes how Manuel (whom his parents nevertheless receive very affectionately when he arrives) tries to rebuild the family bond and put it in new terms; a family with a good time, since his father (Diego de Paula) owns a pasta factory.
Another finding is that Manuel is discovering that the family hides a secret, related to an absence that is increasingly being felt in the story, configuring another family problem that somehow "competes" and interferes with his and repeatedly shifts the leading role. Family that he intended and makes the general picture more complex. In this context, Gambandé composes an endearing and at times naive Manu who demands to be understood and accepted, while disappointments and interference with his purposes do not stop.
Teté presents his story as a dramatic comedy, admirably combining both sides of the story and avoiding melodrama. The comedy tone is partly due to the comic imprint (in the best sense) that the character of the mother María Fernanda Callejón gives to in a great performance, and to that displacement mentioned above that also becomes the dramatic core. There is a series of dialogues that exhibit great naturalness, enhanced by several of them being filmed in long still shots.
With all these components, the film achieves a story about the "return to payment" where the reconfiguration of family ties after coming out of the closet is combined with the theme of the prodigal son, professional vocation, future work, reunions and pacts and family management, forming a dynamic that does not necessarily have to do only with inbreeding village environments.