After reading the positive reviews here, I thought that this was possibly one of those underrated movies that don't catch on because the plot was too feminist-driven or silly or whatever. Boy, was I wrong.
At first I thought the acting was bad (and it was at times), but then I realized that it wasn't the actors as much as it was a combination of a terrible script, terrible direction and sub-par production.
I expected the movie to play up some of the gender norm clichés, so as to highlight the change from Sam to Samantha. But this movie goes further than that. It is clear that everybody involved in the final production of this movie has never met a real person in their life. The clichés were not funny but offensive. I have to imagine this movie was written by some rich kid in Beverly Hills and their connected parents helped to pay for production.
Every character was a ridiculous caricature. I don't know who I am offended for more, men or women. Even the non-gender things were clichéd, like the names of things. Every line felt like it was written by a young high school student. I mean there's concise, and then there is straight to the point regardless as to whether the dialogue is believable or not.
This movie was not funny, not smart, not well put together, and not worth your time.
I gave it three stars: The first because it IS a movie. The second for giving out-of work actors some screen time. ...?