I have absolutely enjoyed this anime! The genre is yaoi (love between boys) and it was originally intended for girls. If you haven't watched anything like this before, you shouldn't be prejudiced about it, and at least see the first 2 or 3 episodes. If you have an open mind, i am sure you will like it.
The series focus mainly on the story between Takahashi Misaki(18) and Usami Akihiko(28), but there are other couples as well, known as Junjo Egoist and Junjo Terrorist; all the characters are very different, but they form great pairs, and it feels like there's nothing wrong with them being together.
Basically Akihiko (nick-named Usagi) is a popular writer, and a close friend of Misaki's brother. He becomes the boy's tutor, and when Misaki barges into his room yelling at him, and waking him up, he starts coming onto him. Misaki is very confused by all this, but they eventually fall in love. This anime is very romantic, and funny as well, mainly because Misaki keeps getting himself into trouble all the time.
The anime follows the manga almost word for word, but it is more censored. I recommend reading the manga afterwords if you want to see more detailed scenes or some scenes that have been cut from the anime. The voice actors are amazing and they have wonderful voices - especially Hanada-san (Akihiko).
I am usually very picky when it comes to yaoi because i don't like it when they dress up as girls, or how there are no women at all in the show... so this is by far the best yaoi i have ever seen.