Director Tony Newton dumps these lazy, boring, trash 'films' and documentaries out that all are the same - various YouTubers or random horror fans are recorded on Skype then placed haphazardly together with little care how to even remotely make a cohesive narrative.
This time it involves all these random people reading the "Amityville Hex" then talking nonstop about how they feel bad before they become possessed. This means either drawing '666' in sharpie on your face, the tik tok strobe effect, crying, or poisoning an extremely annoying guy talking in a whiny voice.
Absolutely horrid. There was no care put into this, it was simply made to make a few hundred bucks off people with the same compulsion as me to watch every one of these Amityville abominations.
Ps, Shawn C Phillips really had some demons to exorcise in his rant to his viewers.