'It never ceases to amaze when the critics come out to play. I just can't figure out why they've zeroed in on a *positive* piece as this. It's astounding. I'd normally ignore yet I know for a fact - human nature dictates - there's hundreds of positive folk for each 'hater' (scientific or bias accuser) up here. Yes, I get that there's DuPont and others. I concur the big players are not playing well. Yet, we collectively must (must!) work towards the good stuff.
As far as I'm aware this is an optimistic look at the options. I commend the makers and I too am biased, I've known of this in the works for years. I am thrilled it's out there and moreover grateful, to cut-through the chat and get the new message to the new scientist who will over time weed out the institutionalized neg-heads. Sorry to sound crass or cruel, I don't mean to. But the gentle whiff of positivity needs to be encouraged and protected. Go make your own documentary and let me know and I'll support you all the way. Meantime, please treat this one as a 'asks the right questions' piece, that let's remember has really make it to the mainstream, as this has! A piece of work to inspire and hopefully to lead by! Congratulations!''