But without any likable characters, quality writing, or anything remotely resembling wit, meaning this is not like Gilmore Girls at all.
I'm three shows in so far and the only thing I can say about the main character is she reminds me of every blonde joke I've ever heard. Yale graduate, huh? Right.
And the two rich, spoiled, and bitchy teenage girls? I'm sorry, but we did rich, spoiled, and bitchy teenage girls the right way on Gilmore Girls and these two girls just come off as lame.
If I appear to be using Gilmore Girls as a standard by which I measure the quality of a show like this, it's because I am. Gilmore Girls had just the right blend of wit, humor, quality storytelling, and an entire cast of likable characters. This show doesn't.
I'm not saying this show is bad. I'm saying it's barely average, mildly entertaining, and you'd probably be better off spending your television time on something else.