On Thursday, 5th August 2021, Sky Television announced that they have commissioned a 6-episode second series of the sitcom. Filming on series two commences in London in August 2021. However, with Sky having already announced that they are closing the Sky One television channel in September 2021, Bloods series two is expected to switch to the refreshed sister channel Sky Comedy. Series 1 opened with 889,000 viewers but that rapidly fell to just 140,000 for episode 6, series 1 also garnered mixed reviews from critics. UPDATE: Series 2 will now consist of 10-episodes not 6, the new episodes are to be filmed and broadcast in two blocks of 5-episodes. Series 2 episodes 1-5 will be released in March 2022 in the UK with episodes 6-10 to be filmed and broadcast later in the year.