Zombie Hunter Rika (2008) is a comedy horror film from Japan, the film was released on February 18, 2008. Tells the story of a girl named Rika who is still in school should visit his grandfather, with his friend named Nami, Rika's grandfather lives in the village, Rika and Nami are attacked by a bunch of bloodthirsty Zombies, fortunately a mysterious man takes them away, Rika finally arrives at his grandfather's villa, he is surprised to learn that his grandfather is married to a beautiful young woman, but his grandfather does not recognize Rika, Rika is sad and Suddenly the whole house was surrounded by Zombie, the three maids had been killed and become Zombie, Rika was bitten by her grandfather also cut off rika's hand so as not to spread throughout his body, after finding his grandfather's final hand was to connect the hand that holds samurai who have great power and rika Must fight the Zombie king to get things back to normal.
Zombie Hunter Rika is entertaining, so ridiculous and weird, a silly character character filled with cute jokes and a little crisp ... But enjoy this movie ..