I've watched just about every episode of this show, missing only two I believe, and I must say that, unlike the reviews I've read before, I give this show a high rating - not because of some inner belief in Bigfoot or crazed notion of reptile/human hybrids, but because of what the show offers - entertainment and the hope for an unknown world.
As a student of philosophy and mathematics, I can say one thing - On the occasion that I don't 'know-it-all' I'm quick to find it out, one way or the other. It's a safe assumption to make that if there's a new technology out there or a more efficient method of this or that, I'll be there to take it apart and figure it all out. . . but it is nice to think, if even for a fleeting moment, that there are some things that I cannot know by logic or formula. It's nice to believe that, though there's no empirical evidence for something, it may still exist.
This is what this show offers me, and perhaps to others. I spend a good portion of my day logically analyzing actions or speech, and I find relaxation difficult to attain, as soap operas or sitcoms become overdone or wacky... but here is a show that retains some measure of a scientific method, but seeks to find that which cannot be found. And while others may judge and make fun, I think that a show like MonsterQuest is a far better way to unwind and relax then watching something dug up from the primordial soup like 'Desperate Housewives' or 'MadTV.' In summation, it's nice to escape to an almost Lovecraftian level and entertain the idea that perhaps our inquiries are not perfect - perhaps we can't know everything - and perhaps, just maybe, there are some things that exist outside the realms of the Known world.